Wrocław Airport pioneers chatbots: Poland’s first aviation virtual assistant.
250 000
175 000
of questions answered independently
- Automated communication with the airport’s passengers and streamlining the passenger service 24/7, 365 days a year
- Enhancing usability and making tools for communication with users more attractive
The Airport Wroclaw is one of the largest and most important national airports in Poland, modern and award-winning. In 2020 marked by the pandemics, the Wrocław Airport served over 1 million passengers. The year before it had been 3.5 million.
The tools implemented by KODA Bots has allowed us to automate replies for many recurring enquiries, thus reducing the waiting time for passengers to receive information relevant to them. While usability and speed were important, the key factor was to keep our passengers satisfied and provide them with support 24 /7 all year long. No matter time of day, manpower or the volume of business, the bot provides such an opportunity. It instantly offers support and service in a convenient way for passengers.
The chatbot implemented for the Wrocław Airport is the first and still the only such solution in the aviation industry in Poland.
Ready to work and effective from day one, a 24/7 communication and passenger service tool 365 days a year.
Market and customer needs analysis
When dealing with such a complex implementation, analysis of the market and the clients’ needs, as well as an extensive benchmark of global competition, played the key role. It was also a learning time for us, with endless discussions with the client, getting to know their work specifics, systems and the aviation industry as a whole.
The user’s perspective is paramount
Użyteczny chatbot musi znać i rozumieć każdy punkt styku użytkownika z procesem, który projektujemy. Na tym etapie analizowaliśmy ścieżkę od momentu podjęcia decyzji o wyborze lotu, przez zakup biletów, dojazd do lotniska, aż do chwili wylotu. Tak, by poznać potrzeby pasażerów, problemy i obawy z jakimi się mierzą i dać im maksymalne wsparcie na każdym etapie.
Alpha version: first tests
The first chatbot version was tested by those most involved in the process on the client side. Their feedback served as the basis for introducing additional solutions and improvements to ensure that the bot was fully operational.
Beta version: testing with partners
The advanced nature of the project and the need to connect with external partners, e.g. Skyscanner, required additional testing and checking the usability and functionality of the chatbot among individuals not directly involved in the project work.
External user testing
This was the final stage preceding the commercial launch of the project. Finally, we released the chatbot into the hands of end users, who verified its logics, usability, efficiency and speed of operation, along with the implemented features.
Implementation results:
The primary automation objective was to reduce the time it takes for passengers to obtain information and to provide communication 24/7, 365 days a year, in order to enhance their satisfaction and to enable them to better find their way in the airport ecosystem.
Within two years of operation, the Wrocław Airport Chatbot:
- Has handled more than 60,000 conversations (even more than 1,000 on key days)
- Average session duration has amounted to over 2 minutes
- 30,000 passengers haveused the bot, sending more than 600,000 messages to it
- The bot has conducted more than 70% of all initiated conversations on its own
Looking back at the two years of working together and the day-to-day use of the solution implemented by KODA Bots, with all its potential and opportunities for us and our passengers, I can confidently say that it is an investment that pays off. Our clients’ satisfaction is the greatest proof here. We receive positive feedback from them every day, highlighting the efficiency and speed of the support they have received. We are very proud and it also proves that this type of tool is important for passengers. We can honestly say that we cannot imagine our communication without a chatbot and we know that it is worth investing in. The airport is a showcase of Wrocław, a city associated with modern technologies and pursuing the idea of Smart City. All the more we are delighted to be an important part of this development.